Stop Ignoring Me
Stop Ignoring Me (Detail)
Weight of I'm Sorry
Im Sorry.JPG
Stop Ignoring Me
Stop Ignoring Me

An immersive sound installation in which a Plexiglas divider (8’ x 4’ x ¾”) steers the viewer or listener to either the left side or the right side of the gallery wall, offering an opportunity for the viewer to engage with its physical, social, and emotional power.

Stop Ignoring Me was first exhibited at Goldey Paley Gallery as part of D’Emilio’s long-term research on the power imbalances in relationships, and uni-directional modes of communication (2011-2014).

Stop Ignoring Me (Detail)
Stop Ignoring Me (Detail)

An immersive sound installation in which a Plexiglas divider (8’ x 4’ x ¾”) steers the viewer or listener to either the left side or the right side of the gallery wall, offering an opportunity for the viewer to engage with its physical, social, and emotional power. Stop Ignoring Me was first exhibited at Goldey Paley Gallery as part of D’Emilio’s long-term research on the power imbalances in relationships, and uni-directional modes of communication (2011-2014).

Weight of I'm Sorry
Weight of I'm Sorry

Im Sorry.JPG